Research and Knowledge Management Domain of change
This aims at promoting evidence based policies and programmes for and by grass root rural and peri-urban based female sex workers and those with intersecting vulnerabilities countrywide. It also aims at strengthening participation in the development and dissemination of rights based research and knowledge management, and learning; and collection, analysis and dissemination of grass root rural and peri-urban based female sex workers in Uganda.
Under action research, documentation and knowledge management; AWAC has been engaged in generation of evidence to support efficient and quality programming, a key contribution to the body of knowledge include; In 2019 partnership with UNFPA and AIC AWAC conducted Assessment of Commercial Sexual Exploitation among Female Minors in High-Risk Areas of Uganda. (-: Nielsen Jannie, Kabagenyi Allen, Schmidt-Sane Megan. (2019). Assessment of Commercial Sexual Exploitation among Female Minors in High-Risk Areas of Uganda; A mixed method study. Uganda, UNFPA;
Among other documentation AWAC has conducted include the following areas; Addressing barriers of contraceptive inaccessibility and utilization among the minoritised women and adolescents and young adults engaging in sex work in Uganda;
In 2020 AWAC also conducted and published an assessment titled “Rapid Assessment on the Impact of COVID-19 among Female Sex Workers, Adolescent Girls and Young Women, and Women Living with HIV & AIDS in 30 districts Uganda (Link:;
AWAC documented stories of sex workers in the SWARM magazine which spotlighted the plight and resilience of the female sex workers fraternity in context of GBV in Uganda. (link;;.
With Support from UNWOMEN, AWAC produced a documentary titled “Her Resilient Voice” highlighting the issues that have been affecting female sex workers during and post COVID 19 lockdown in Gulu, Amuria, Kitgum and Tororo. (Link:; AWAC conducted a rapid assessment on the “Risk Factors, Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs, and Coping among the Children Under the Care of Female Sex Workers and adolescents and young adults engaging in sex work in Gulu, Mbarara, Wakiso and Busia. A ”(Link: