Strengthening on SDGs, Skills Development, and Economic Empowerment
Under this domain of change, AWAC aims to harness strategic collaboration towards mainstreaming of SDGs into key populations programming.Support key and priority populations to understanding SDGs and linkage to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, HIV
prevention, care, human rights and to deliberate on how KPPs can better contribute to the acceleration of SDGs in Uganda.
AWAC actualizes the impact of this model, through conducting
SDGs Squeeze Campaigns; SDGs shadow report; awareness
on climate justice; gender sensitive climate adaptation,
community led social accountability and advocacy engagements on multisectoral integration of SDGs in local government; FSWs’ financial inclusion, sustained access and control over productive resources and asset; optimizing energy efficiency, reducing waste, Enhance access to good sanitation and hygiene, proper drainage systems community assessing service, advocacy, and access to toilets proper waste disposal , training and access to organic reusable sanitary pads; shift from fossil
fuel to renewable/ alternative energy sources such as solar or
electricity, burning wood to cooking food using energy saving stoves; water conservation through rain water harvesting cost effective and environmentally sustainable; Green construction and sustainable building.
Community Human rights & Sustainable Development Goals Accelerators (CHuSA) Model;
The model seeks to empower grass root Rural and Peri-urban FSWs as Champions of Human Rights & SDGs Acceleration to initiate & implement well-coordinated, innovative rights-based interventions that fast-track SDGs in their respective communities. CHuSAs are
challenged to contribute to acceleration of 2030 targets including Good Health and Well-being, reduced poverty, hunger and inequalities, quality education, peaceful and inclusive societies, sustainable and resilient environment. The above are achieved through the following; mentorship and feminist transformation leadership trainings for emerging & grass root for FSW leaders; National Annual Sex Workers Dialogue (NASWD), stigma reduction campaigns, social accountabilities, Representation, Review Meetings; Safe Space dialogues or inception meetings with strategic stakeholders; research & documentation, policy briefs, developing and disseminating assorted IEC materials. 5 NASWDs have been convened, thus attracting 1238 FSWs and over 100 key stakeholders including policy makers, duty
bearers, CSOs development partners.