Khayiyi Melb Simiyu
HIV Prevention Officer
She is a female sex worker activist and passionate on promoting SRHR/HIV/TB, working with the Alliance of Women Advocating for Change (AWAC) since 2018. she worked as Assistant Linkage and Referral Officer, Economic Empowerment Officer, DiC Coordinator, Counsellor, and she is currently the HIV Prevention Manager.
She is a Community Psychologist by profession, well equipped with communication skills and psychosocial support skills.
She has used her skills at AWAC drop-in Centre to support female sex workers, Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) who experience anxiety, depression, PTSD and other mental health challenges as well as providing psychosocial support to GBV survivors to support them recover from the trauma associated with GBV. She also facilitates adherence meetings for AWAC Clients on both ART and PrEP medication, conducts community score card meetings at AWAC DiC and Government Health Facilities. She coordinates HIV prevention services which contributes to inclusive and supportive environment for KP programming e.g., through inception, stakeholder and community level engagement, Integration and spotlighting of GBV and human rights violation through documentation and publication of violation against KPs- specifically FSWs.</p><p>Melb Coordinates identification and linkage of new PLHIV through optimization of facility and community-based HTC activities including targeted outreaches, implementation of assisted partner notification, social network strategy, HIV self-testing (HIVST) and Recency testing. She has supported the scalling-up of AWAC community led innovative models in Kampala- specifically the Drop-in Centre (DiC) and Community Health and Livelihoods Enhancement Groups (CHLEGs) which achievements are of great impact to Female sex workers not only in Kampala but in Uganda at large. Further, she supports in establishment and functionalization of psycho-social support groups including Girl’s Action Clubs (GACs), Community Health Livelihood and Enhancement Groups (CHLEGs) to strengthen adherence to HIV/AIDS treatment and to promote uptake of preventive service packages equipping them with financial literacy skills, VSLA methodology among others. Under her stewardship, 22 CHLEGs have been registered under AWAC, thereby contributing to AWAC grassroots members’ livelihoods and broader vision of AWAC.