Ritah Namisango


Ritah is a qualified nurse, which she obtained from Rakai Community School of Nursing. She is also licenced by the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council. Ritah’s professional journey has been centered on saving people’s lives, driven by a strong commitment to serve. Her career trajectory, she began her career as a volunteer –where she worked specifically in the paediatric department, gaining valuable experience in caring for children’s health. Ritah joined Angels’ pharmaceutical distributors, a facility dedicated to clinical issues and administering medications to clients. This experience allowed her to further develop her clinical and patient care skills. She continued to advance in her career by becoming a nurse at Master Cares Bethlehem Community Hospital. In this role, she worked in both medical and pediatric departments, broadening her medical expertise and patient care capabilities. Ritah serves as a clinician at the Alliance of Women Advocating for Change (AWAC).

In this role, she has dedicated to serving and delivering services to the key populations, such as the female sex workers. Notably, she has gained substantial experience in matters related to HIV and has taken the initiative to learn more about the key populations, and demonstrating her commitment to addressing their specific healthcare needs. 

Ritah’s career reflects a journey of continuous growth and dedication to healthcare, with a particular focus on serving vulnerable populations and addressing critical health issues, such as HIVAIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights. Her experience and commitment make her a valuable asset to her community and healthcare profession.